
It is a well-known fact that repetition learning is essential in language learning. I was thinking about how to practice the language by listening to the video I like and repeating it as it is. As a result, we have created a site and APP that can train repetitive learning using YouTube videos that can satisfy the interests of all learners. As a parent myself, one of the things I struggled with the most when teaching English to my children was how to provide an environment where they could converse with native speakers. But I soon found out that it wasn't easy. If there is no environment where you can communicate directly with native speakers, then we thought about how to create a similar effect. One of the ways was to take a video of a native speaker that I liked and listen to the conversation in the video repeatedly, say it and try to dictate it.It's like when a child learns a language for the first time, he listens to the teacher and dictates it. It will be helpful to study English just by listening to the video of native speaker pronunciation, but in addition, you can check the correct listening and practice speaking through shadowing and dictation training as it is. YouTube video is considered to be a video resource site that is sufficient to satisfy the language learning of all people around the world, as it covers a variety of languages ​​and many interests. Shadowing.com and the Android app provide technical convenience so that the video can be played with settings suitable for repeated learning after linking the sharing link of a YouTube video. It will be a site that will not be boring for language training as there are many fields and genres that can be used for young children, such as many fairy tales / animated videos on YouTube, and TED, movies, and music videos for teenagers and young people. thank you.